Welcome to Techwomencameroon to for the growth of girls and women
  • Mon - Sat: 8.00 am - 7.00 pm

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About Us

We're Partner Innovations of women

TechWomenCameroon empowers, connects and supports the next generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from Africa, particularly in Our contry  by providing them the access and opportunity needed to advance your careers, pursue your dreams, and inspire women and girls in their communities.

Our Vision is to inspire the next generation of women in STEM in Cameroon.

Mentoring Acroos the World

Internal Networking

Improving young women's growth and learning about IT tools

Improving young women's growth and learning about IT tools

The Techgirls program is geared towards promoting the development of girls by nurturing their interest and skills in technology.

We pay attention to each girl to help them achieve their ambitions

We pay attention to each girl to help them achieve their ambitions

With the Techgirls program, we believe that young girls can achieve their full potential and make valuable contributions to the world of technology.

We promote development of our girls through Techgirls program

We promote development of our girls through Techgirls program

By providing access to mentors, training, and support, we hope to inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders in the tech industry.

What We’re Presenting

Techwomen cameroon Program

here we present some of the programs of our techwomancameroon community members.

She STEMin Africa

Breaking the BARRIERS and socio-professional uncertainties of African women in STEM fields

Techgirls Program

TechGirls is a initiative designed to empower young girls to pursue careers in STEM

Technovation Program

Techchalcam technology entrepreneurship program and competition for young woman

Next Einstein Forum

Our vison at CAYSTI is to create an egalitarian ecosystem

American Porgram

Help to gain flexible analytical insights out of their data.

Our Mission

The mission is to empower, connect, and support the next generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by providing access and opportunity to advance their careers, pursue their dreams, and become role models for women and girls in their communities.

Our Proposal Projects

Improve & Enhance Our Tech Projects

There are various projects from Techwomencameroon members to develop of scalable solutions for our Mission.

Members Testimonials

What They’re Talking?

Our Member

Meet Our Member

Meet women experts who excel in their field and who have also benefited from the techgirl program.


CEO & Founder Brain-Booster

Christelle Tayou

Founder SOFT ELITE, Cyber Security auditor,Digital architect

Tim Immaculate Bih

CEO/Founder ICON Co. Ltd

Do You Need a Meeting?

Join the Techgirls program and we'll give you the opportunity to realise your ambitions.


We have meet young girls


Projects has been completed

We’re here to help each girl to grow up.

would you like to become a member of the community